Thursday 13 July 2017

Recycling To Avoid Environmental Pollution

After all done, I'm pasting the
recycling symbol paper

We've all heard the saying "reduce reuse recycle", but it is still an important topic that WAY too many of us overlook. We live in a culture that doesn't understand the dangers of having so many non-reusable and wasteful products and habits in our lives. Reducing, reusing, and recycling are important for many reasons. For starters, one of the most personal reasons: eco-friendly habits save us moneyIn addition to saving money, eliminating waste usually leads to an elimination of harmful chemicals in our home, as well. 
♥  So I have decided to create a recycling bin at a shop lot area. I have used 3 recycle boxes with 3 different colours as follow: blue colour for papers, yellow colour for plastics and brown colour glasses. The total costing for my project is Rm0 because all the things that I have used are recycled papers and boxes. 

♥   At the same time Government has done for us so many     good service such as this recycling bin in most of the     shopping malls so I highly recommend each individual to use the service that has done for us.
Be a part to preserve our environment.

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